There are a couple of reasons why I write what some people would consider to be negative reviews. The first is because some music is just objectively bad. The second reason is a bit more complex, because it’s not really a reason as much as it is a corollary of the occasional negative review. As a reviewer, if I don’t maintain my reputation for telling it like it is, when I turn on the superlatives, who will believe me? In short, there’s no light without shade.
“…‘Every Single Day’ is about as loved up as you can get.”
So, if I compare Boorloo/Perth multi-genre pop artist Shannon Smith’s latest single, ‘Every Single Day’, to output from the likes of Paul McCartney and Harry Nilsson, who’s going to pay any attention if that’s just my stock in trade? I will take the ranty emails and snarky social media comments every day if it gives me the opportunity to make comparisons like that and have even a sliver of hope that people might latch onto what I’m saying.
‘Every Single Day’ is a jaunty affair that has 1970s written all over it. It’s a pop tuuuune that, whether you want to like what Smith is doing or not, gets under your skin and burrows right into your heart. Of course, this is the culmination of Smith and partner, Helen Townsend’s, song cycle charting their falling into, out of and back in love again and, as affirmations of the heart go, ‘Every Single Day’ is about as loved up as you can get.
What? Another silly love song? Why, yes! Because, there’s always room for just one more, if they’re good, if they’re true and if they’re about all of us, our hopes and our dreams. If they have all that, as ‘Every Single Day’ does, then bring it on!
I would even go so far as to call ‘Every Single Day’ great and here’s the proof.

Apologies in advance for my next review.
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