The members of brand spanking new WA alt rock trio, Polly, have a lot of facial hair for a band whose debut single explores the freshness and firsts of teenage life. That’s the thing with firsts, they feel like they come out of nowhere, but they distil a whole lifetime into a single burst of creative energy. So it is with ‘Spin’, with its nostalgia-laden vocals and guitars. ‘Spin’ may have been released today, but just like its birth fathers, it certainly wasn’t born yesterday.
‘Spin’ has a bit of a slacker vibe to it, in the most pleasing of ways. Always half a skip behind the beat, the feel is slightly backward looking as frontman, Will Something Or Other, sings about the vicissitudes of teen love and heartbreak, his voice carrying the weight of the world as well as the irrepressible hope of a heart that hasn’t yet been properly broken. Ah, the dialectic of teen life, Polly have captured it in picture perfect Pantone colours and, towards the end of ‘Spin’, given it all a beautifully restrained guitar lick that sparkles like summer sunlight bouncing off the glass of the Indian Ocean.
Polly say that ‘Spin’ is just the beginning. Of what, they don’t tell us, but, as beginnings go, this debut is a welcome addition to a weary world that needs reminding more than ever that life is ridiculous, so we should just kick back and enjoy it. If by ‘just the beginning’, Polly mean they have more releases planned for 2025, I say bring them on.
Lovely stuff.

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