DR CUZ featuring NIKI NU
Ever one for a colab, Perth’s Dr Cuz bunkered down in the studio with Nikki Nu, aka Nikki Dagostino, to create his latest single, ‘Make This World A Better Place’. Those in the know will be licking their chops in anticipation of this latest offering from Dr Cuz, an artist who has been creating for decades now, but whose creative stream has never run dry. Those yet to be initiated would do well get into his flow now and let him carry them along to, as the man himself sings, …a better place for all creation.
‘Make This World A Better Place’ is a sparse slab of RnB that draws on Dr Cuz’s years of experimentation with reggae and funk and, when the chorus kicks in, brings in the fresh with Nikki Nu’s harmonies taking the track into a world so far only occupied by the likes of Daft Punk and M83. Nu also brings it with her deft touch on the ivories giving colour and texture to the track.
On first listen, ‘Make This World A Better Place’ could be read as old meets new, which always has a certain appeal, but this song is more than that. What Dr Cuz and Nikki Nu have done here is something akin to a mind meld, dangerous when it goes wrong, but a thing of expansive beauty when the minds are open to the tingle of the conjoined new.
‘Make This World A Better Place’ is a song for today that draws on past generations of protest songs, boldly referencing Burt Bacharch at one point and with a fade out that sounds like an outtake from Primal Scream’s Screamadelica sessions.
This is righteous stuff and, best of all, as Dr Cuz sings in the final stanza, live on stage is the best place ever. Watch for the live shows coming your way soon.